United Kingdom

CGI, Eutelsat OneWeb and Icomera test benefits of satellites for rail network

Technology consultancy CGI, satellite operator Eutelsat OneWeb and train connectivity provider Icomera are conducting tests to demonstrate how constellations of low-earth orbit satellites and terrestrial communications networks could deliver seamless, low-latency broadband connectivity on the railway network. The trials are part of the Satellites for Digitalisation of Railways (SODOR) project, supported by the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency, which aims to improve service quality, enhance safety, and increase automation through real-time, uninterrupted communications systems. The tests are taking place on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway line, with test equipment installed on a rolling test bed, including Icomera's multi-carrier gateway. Icomera's SureWAN aggregation algorithm is used to wirelessly connect the test bed to the terrestrial and satellite networks.