Latest news on railway lines, railway infrastructure, track technology, as well as track construction and maintenance

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Government approves investment in sechs railway projects

On 11th July 2024, the Slovakian government approved investment certificates for ten road and six railway projects. These also include cross-border railway lines to the Czech Republic and Austria. All approved projects are part of the TEN-T network and fulfil further conditions to be classified as a strategic investment, including an amount of more than €50 million. The railway projects include two sections of the northern line to Košice, lines from Devínská Nová Ves to the Czech Republic and Austria and the modernisation of the line between Cadca and Krásno nad Kysucou. According to the Ministry of Transport, the list is not final and further projects could be added in the future. Furthermore, not all construction projects can be realised immediately. However, inclusion on the list of strategic investments could speed up preparations.